
Latham Centers treats boys 和 girls, 年龄8-22, 发育迟缓, emotional 和 behavioral challenges, 二氏综合征, 以及创伤或依恋问题. We focus on highly individualized treatment that supports both the student 和 the family.


For children with 二氏综合征 和 intellectual disabilities, 买球app官网学校 provides a safe healing environment, 充满活力的氛围, 和一个敬业的员工. The Children’s Program provides supervision, 治疗, 特殊教育服务, 职业机会. We focus on highly individualized treatment that supports both the student 和 the family.

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Students live on our Brewster campus or near campus. Residential staff provides 24-hour care 和 supervision in a therapeutic 和 structured environment. Students build confidence 和 have many opportunities for increased independence as they learn the skills that will help them live as active participants in their communities

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个人护理 & 适应性强的项目

Our multidisciplinary professional team develops a comprehensive Individual 教育 Program (IEP) for each student. These plans are based on a thorough review of the student’s medical, 社会, 家族史, 和 on assessments of the student’s medical, 心理, 教育, 职业需求. Plans are updated quarterly based on the student’s progress 和 changing needs.


教育 & 职业项目

Our students learn in small classes, with one-on-one tutoring 和 counseling. Our program 和 facilities are geared towards helping students develop job skills, 学会一起工作和生活, 探索世界, 并热爱各种学习. Our 职业 specialists act as job coaches as they help students learn job skills 和 find employment.

Latham staff, family, 和 friends hold up COA plaque at End of Year Celebration


Latham Centers is approved by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary 和 Secondary Education (DESE) 和 is licensed by the Department of Early Education 和 Care (DEEC). Our 住宅 therapeutic school provides treatment services to approximately 45 students, 一周7天, 一年365天. We are also nationally accredited by the Council on Accreditation.


成立于1970年, Latham Centers is a progressive 和 innovative provider of services for children 和 adults with developmental, behavioral 和 emotional/physical challenges. 我们是一家私人非营利机构, operating a 住宅 school for children in Brewster 和 some 12 residences for adults across Cape Cod 和 southeastern Massachusetts.

Imagine a childhood filled with abuse, 焦虑, 欺凌, 创伤, 或疾病, 和 the perception or reality that your needs are not being met, 和/or your feelings are not understood by those around you. Imagine those years filled with fear or change that triggers a loss of emotional control ranging from tears 和 tantrums to physical illness 和 aggression. Latham children have experienced these troubling things 和 more. We take on some of the most difficult cases in the region 和 succeed when others have failed.

现在想象一下永远不会感到满足. That is what children 和 adults with 二氏综合征 (PWS) experience every day. Latham has provided cutting-edge, life-changing treatment since 1980 for individuals with PWS. Individuals with PWS have an insatiable appetite, due to the 15th chromosome abnormality, 不断寻找食物来源. Other serious symptoms include mild to moderate developmental disabilities, 情绪和行为问题, obsessive compulsive behaviors 和 slow body metabolism, which can lead to obesity 和 related health problems. The syndrome impacts all parts of individuals' lives as the stress 和 strain upon their families' lives only increases as the child 年龄s. 目前还没有治愈PWS的方法, our work can literally save 和 change the lives of individuals in our care. 今天请支持买球app官网.


Latham Centers' Children's Program offers 教育, 职业, 住宅, 社会, 临床和治疗资源.

We work with all families 和 funding sources to ensure smooth transitions. Tax-deductible donations help keep our program going. We encour年龄 those interested in learning more to visit our campus 和 tour the school.



在买球app官网学校,来自 8岁到22岁的年轻人 are under the care of a special needs teacher 和 aide. In small home room classes of eight or fewer students. 买球app.



While some Latham children return home to family or enroll in programs closer to home, others may transition to our Adult 项目 or remain on Cape Cod to live independently 买球app.



A gift to Latham Centers will make a difference in the life of each 和 every individual we serve. To make it as easy as possible for you to donate, we offer a variety of gift vehicles 买球app.